
Welcome to my A2 media coursework blog, my name is Chrystal Li (0470) and I will be working in Group 3 along with Audrey King Lassman (0397), Juliette Wileman (0875) and Brandon Poonwasie (0660).

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Thank you

Here is a live link to our group facebook page.


Group 3 Music Video

Album Digipak

Album Digipak
Album Digipak (Top Left: Back Cover, Top Right: Front Cover, Bottom Left: Inside Left, Bottom Right: Inside Right)

Thursday 26 September 2013

Accident Sequence

This is the accident sequence we made for our blog. In this, we specifically cut on action so that it would create a continuing action through different shots, however it was hard because we weren't able to physically film the actor falling out the tree since we didn't want any actual injuries. So we used the cut on action technique to film the actor falling from the tree to the floor, from a medium close up to a long shot.

We could've used a variety of shots instead of using a lot of close up shots. Since this causes confusion for the audience we should use a more varied shot type so the audience can focus on the things that are more important in the shot. We could've been able to make it better if we were able to have a bit more time on planning.

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