
Welcome to my A2 media coursework blog, my name is Chrystal Li (0470) and I will be working in Group 3 along with Audrey King Lassman (0397), Juliette Wileman (0875) and Brandon Poonwasie (0660).

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Thank you

Here is a live link to our group facebook page.


Group 3 Music Video

Album Digipak

Album Digipak
Album Digipak (Top Left: Back Cover, Top Right: Front Cover, Bottom Left: Inside Left, Bottom Right: Inside Right)

Sunday 5 October 2014

4 Key Decisions: Artist

We decided our artist would be an indie band due to the fact in our brief, we were told that we are an independent record label, so indie record labels would usually also have indie bands which produce indie music.
Indie bands tend to have quirky and unique names; so we decided on 'Sticky And The Melonheads', after Juliette's dad suggested it to her. It really fits our band, due to the quirkiness of it and the indie feel to represent the indie genre. We thought it was appropriate after hearing bands of the names 'Smashing Pumpkins'(rock) and 'Catfish and the Bottlemen'(indie rock).
Unlike many bands, we decided our band would have two girls and two guys. This was done so that the organisation would be easier for us and we would not need to deal with more external actors. Also while filming, even if 3 of us are on set, one person could still be filming from behind the camera. As mentioned in previous post, our idea was to have a couple in the narrative along side band performance; the main singer, would also act as the guy in the couple. By having a mixed gender band, we would be appealing to a wider audience, males and females could relate to the band easily and possibly aspire to be them, allowing us to meet the gaps in the market.

Possible Band Line-Up:

Juliette: Female Protagonist
External Member: Lead Singer
Chrystal: Female Bassist
Audrey: Female Guitarist
Brandon: Male Drummer

To decide this, we asked each member which would be the most comfortable role for them. Audrey and I preferred to be part of the band, where are Juliette and Brandon did not mind, except they wanted to be able to take part in the filming from behind the camera. We thought if Brandon was the lead singer he would not get a lot of time behind the camera, so we decided that he would be the male drummer.

In the image below, include the bands we got band image inspiration from. We wanted our band to have a similar image between Walk the Moon(the original track artist) and Everything Everything. We dont want the band to be similar to Walk the Moon since their band image is more festival and we want our band to be more casual and indie, so their clothing would be similar to Daughter, which is stylized but casual.

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