
Welcome to my A2 media coursework blog, my name is Chrystal Li (0470) and I will be working in Group 3 along with Audrey King Lassman (0397), Juliette Wileman (0875) and Brandon Poonwasie (0660).

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Group 3 Music Video

Album Digipak

Album Digipak
Album Digipak (Top Left: Back Cover, Top Right: Front Cover, Bottom Left: Inside Left, Bottom Right: Inside Right)

Thursday 28 November 2013

The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug (Online Marketing)

Example 1)

Online article about the new trailer from the Telegraph. It is a below the line example of an above the line example (TV trailer), reaching middle class adults who read the telegraph. It uses different format to view (is able to watch the trailer online) and has a good connectivity since people can share it.

Example 2)

Facebook page specifically for the UK, this is a below the line example. This is able to reach everyone on the web that uses Facebook and is used to connect the fans to stuff about The Hobbit. It has exclusive HD photos and is easily updateable.

Example 3)

Comicon in London 2013 were giving out tickets to the worldwide Hobbit fan event. This is an example of above the line. It attracts those who attend Comicon of all ages. It involves audience involvement and has viral potential since it can be shared so more people can know about it.

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