
Welcome to my A2 media coursework blog, my name is Chrystal Li (0470) and I will be working in Group 3 along with Audrey King Lassman (0397), Juliette Wileman (0875) and Brandon Poonwasie (0660).

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Group 3 Music Video

Album Digipak

Album Digipak
Album Digipak (Top Left: Back Cover, Top Right: Front Cover, Bottom Left: Inside Left, Bottom Right: Inside Right)

Friday 21 November 2014

Shoot Day: 4th November

During this shoot, we were able to film individual shots of me and Audrey(bassist and guitarist) when we didn't have the lead singer, and the 90s scene when he arrived.

To make our band seem authentic and comply with conventions, we decided to print off our logo in black and white to put on the drum. We got this idea from bands like 'The 1975' and 'Kodaline'.

Audrey setting light

Having set up the lighting and set, Juliette did the band make up for Audrey, Brandon and I, as she was the one most familiar with make up and would do the best.

We only filmed individual performance shots for Audrey and I, the guitarist and bassits as Brandon, the drummer was soon getting a haircut. However even though we were not having him in shot, we need him on the drums in the background so we tried not to have his face in shot, but still have his drumming actions. Though his face was not going to be in shot, Juliette still did his make up for testing.

During the shoot, Juliette was really helpful being the only one not on set, she was able to direct us on how we could act better as well as act out the actions we would do on our instruments.
This was able to help me get over my nervousness in front of the camera, though it did take a while to get comfortable with.

Since this was the first time we played in front of the camera without practicing before hand, we decided these band scene shots would be viewed as practices. After we decided to have a band performance rehearsals, which would help us by making our instrumental play more realistic and this would make us less nervouse.

After the band scenes when Jacob arrived, we didn't have much time left so we didnt' film any band with him but went straight to filming the 90s scenes.

90s Set up
Due to practical issues, we were not able to carry a sofa to the studio so we had to borrow two arm-less chairs, a large cloth and three cushions. With this we had a handmade sofa, which looked pretty convincing to be honest. We also had to borrow the coffee table for our Central Perk mug to be placed. the boombox helped complete this 90s set up.

We used the large screen to display what the camera captures, this helped everyone see and judge whether the shot was good or not.

Watching Jacobs close up on big screen
This time Juliette was in front of the camera, so Brandon, Audrey and I had to direct the two actors. One of us would be on music, so they could time each action and keep the continuation going throughout each shot. We also had to keep an eye on the 'sofa', since the cloth would keep falling down at the top showing the chair underneath, and to make sure the continuity was the same in each shot we had to keep fixing the 'sofa' and the cushions.

During me and Juliette's next media lesson, we decided to try to edit and grade the 90s scene we shot (the video below).

As you can see in the video, the left is ungraded and the right is graded. We tried to make the skin tone less yellow and tried to get the background colour to be more green by increase the contrast and vibrance.

We then looked over the footage and decided that the scene had to be re-shot after consulting with Ms Blackborow, as she said the lip-syncing was not good enough.

We wrote down points that we had to pay attention to for when we re-shoot the scene. These points also applied to the band shots as well as the 90s scene. For example, Ms Blackborow suggested that I should wear red lipstick and have straightened hair to give a more stylized look for the band.

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